A Top-Down lens
UNIT 1. World War 3 - Let’s address the elephant in the room
UNIT 2. Unemployment is eroding India’s core
UNIT 3. The Global Challenge of Educated Unemployment
UNIT 4. The Remote Work Renaissance: Opportunities Without Borders
UNIT 5. The Loneliness Pandemic: Navigating Isolation in a Connected World
UNIT 6. The Rise of Digital Nomadism
UNIT 7. Decaying Economies: Opportunities Exist, but Workforce Falls Short, and the Promise of Multi-location SEZs
A Bottom-Up Lens
UNIT 8. The Three Pillars of Human Needs: Safety, Community, and Sovereignty
UNIT 9. The Safety Layer: Innovating Work and Resource Distribution
UNIT 10. Fostering a Globally Conscious Community in Multi-Location Special Economic Zones
UNIT 11. Digital Infrastructure for a Seamless Life: Lessons from India Stack
Embracing New Structures
UNIT 12. Beyond Democracy: The Rise of Techno-Democracy and Alternative Governance Models in Multi-Location Special Economic Zones
UNIT 13. Embracing Network Societies: The Network State and Multi-Location Special Economic Zones
UNIT 14. Establishing Multi-Location Special Economic Zones: A Blueprint for Nation-States
UNIT 15. The Case for Coexistence: Nation States and Network States